Redgate has introduced the Red Gate SSMS Ecosystem. You can start the installation on the home page. There are multiple add-ins available that increase the functionality within SSMS.
Correcting Orphaned Users
When migrating databases between servers, userids will become invalidated, and users attempting to access the newly restored database will receive login failures when attempting to connect. To correct this problem, DBAs should fix all orphaned logins after the database has…
Setting up a REXX Test Environment or Executing your own personal EXECs
Sample REXX Coding Standards
The following is a sample set of basic REXX Coding guidelines. They are meant to provide consistent naming and component usage without being overly restrictive. Naming Standards Library Naming Standards The following describes the acceptable dataset naming standards…
Parameter Parsing in REXX
Every time I create a new REXX routine, I always use a template source program for consistency, but more than that, there are features I have developed over time which simplifies the coding effort. In this example, I will focus…